Information About Pre Menopause

For women in their thirties or forties menopause is the last word they want to hear and the last thing they want to think about. No one wants to admit that they’re at that stage of their life yet, even if it is just the "pre" menopause stage. It doesn’t ever feel like it should be happening yet, especially when most people still have babies or small children at that age. And yet, you can tell your body doesn’t feel 100% normal.

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You’re not eating any differently but you started gaining wait, your breasts are sore, and your periods are becoming irregular. You’re skin is dry and your sex drive just isn’t what it used to be. You’re irritable, tired, and getting headaches. So what’s the deal, what is happening?

Pre-menopause is something that all women either know about or have at least heard about, but no one seems to have a name for it or be able to recognize it when it rears its ugly head. Millions of women are going through pre-menopause or have experienced some kind of symptoms, but don’t think there’s any possible way it’s menopause because they’re still in their early thirties.

Symptoms that come along with pre-menopause are basically the same as those that go with menopause: PMS, endometriosis, fibroids, tender and sore breasts, fatigue, irritability, depression, foggy thinking, sudden weight gain, having a hard time conceiving or carrying a pregnancy to full term, memory loss, migraine headaches, light or very heavy periods, spots, bleeding in between periods, and cold hands and feet. While it is a pretty long list, chances are you won’t have every single symptom, but instead just a select few.

All of these symptoms are caused by hormone imbalances, mostly from having too much of the hormone estrogen and not enough of the hormone progesterone. These symptoms are not just scientific and medical; they also have a lot to do with and are more evident in women who are out of touch with their bodies and feelings. Basically, stress heightens the symptoms.

When women have the prescribed pre-menopausal symptoms doctors will usually administer estrogen supplements. Unfortunately, if estrogen doesn’t clear up symptoms, doctors will often perform hysterectomies or try drugs for depression such as Zoloft of Prozac unnecessarily. Other than getting pills, women can utilize a healthy diet and regular workout and exercise regimen to help with these early pre-menopause symptoms and an easier life transition.

Pre-menopause is the mixture of a body beginning to cross yet another age marker, and symptoms that every woman will notice around 10-15 years before actually going through menopause. It’s kind of like a dress rehearsal for the big show.


Coping With Menopause

Some women will say that menopause is a natural experience and quite enjoyable. Most women will not agree. The symptoms of menopause can be confusing and difficult for both women and everyone around them. Diet and exercise can help women ease them into the next stage of their life and it really does make a difference.

Many women go through menopause without even knowing or understanding what is going on with their bodies. The number of eggs in women’s ovaries decreases and estrogen and progesterone levels waver and then decline. Periods will be irregular for a while (different with all women) and then stop altogether. Because of the drastic hormone changes, women’s bodies go through various side effects.

Menopause side effects aren’t your everyday headaches and cramps, but instead women could suffer some serious health effects. Weight is usually redistributed and will go straight to the stomach. This is why an exercise program is encouraged. There is also an increased risk of heart disease and osteoporosis. Consuming extra calcium can help prevent osteoporosis. Cholesterol levels also rise in many women.

Symptoms of menopause that most women can expect to experience, whether mild or severe, include hot flashes, insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, mood swings, frequent urination, vaginal dryness, and even depression in some cases. There are conventional medications that can be taken to boost your estrogen levels and help minimize symptoms. One of the best ways to enjoy a healthy, happy menopause lifestyle is by eating a nutritious and healthy diet.

During menopause it is important that you keep in close contact with your doctor and schedule regular check up appointments. is one resource that tells you how to naturally manage and relief those menopause sorrows. You will need regular physical examinations and regular Pap smears as a precaution. After menopause, be prepared to have a mammogram every year or two after the age of 40, and then annually after 50. Try and schedule a screening for colon cancer about every three to five years and a cholesterol check every three years as well. While most of these check-ups and screenings are only preventative and precautionary, it is still a good idea to have them done so as to ensure your health.
Because women have a tendency to be plagued with osteoporosis and bone deterioration, some doctors will suggest an ultrasound of the pelvic area to measure bone density.

All women will have a list of questions to ask both before the menopause process starts, during the transition, and afterward. It is important that women stay well informed about the changes going on in their bodies. One of the easiest ways to do this is stay in close contact with your doctor, and if you have embarrassing questions, ask him anyway, he’s probably been asked the same thing before. says it all. Go HERE to learn more now...

The Signs And Symptoms of Menopause

Menopause symptoms vary greatly; in fact, there are no two women that will have the same menopause symptoms in the same order. There are some women who don’t have any symptoms as all, but not many. Symptoms last different lengths of time for different women and are caused by the hormonal transition and imbalance in a woman’s body.

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One of the menopause symptoms in women is mood swings. Approximately 10% of women suffer from mood swings during menopause. Mood swings, basically, are drastic changes in mood over a short period of time. For example, laughing one minute, yelling and being angry, then crying, and then feeling depressed very shortly after. Many women get on medication for mood swings, while others prefer a more natural solution.

One of the main menopause symptoms in women is change in the menstrual cycle. In fact, less than 10% of women go through menopause without any irregularity. Periods will more than likely shorten and begin sooner than usual. The heaviness of blood flow may change as well and your periods may become either lighter or heavier. Birth control is often prescribed to help make periods more regular.

Women can begin having hot flashes, also called vasomotor symptoms, either in the pre-menopausal stages of peri-menopause or after their last menstrual period. They last longer for some than they do for others, but usually last somewhere between three and five years. Sometimes women will feel anxious, tense, agitated, or unsettled as a hot flash is coming on, and many times the heart rate will increase.

They are often worse the first year following the last period. The only outward physical sign of a hot flash is the skin turning a pink or reddish color and sweating. Hot flashes can be mild or severe and some women may experience chills. As with any other menopause symptom, it is different for every woman.

Insomnia is a common menopause symptom. Some women have hot flashes mainly at night and cannot sleep due to that; while others have difficulty falling asleep even without hot flashes. A common pattern in many women is falling asleep for a few hours, waking up, and then not being able to go back to sleep.

Women sometimes complain of having short-term memory loss and difficulty concentrating as a menopause symptom. While many experts say that lower estrogen levels probably do play a role in memory loss and a lack of concentration, some think this is due to aging. The stress of going through menopause also may have an effect on memory and concentration.

Lower levels of estrogen cause some sort of menopause symptoms in all women, but they are different in every case. Some women will have very distinct and obvious menopause symptoms, while others only go through mild changes.

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